Of the more than 8,000 nonprofit organizations in Delaware, the most common types include foundations and religious-based entities. ChristianaCare, the American Online Giving Foundation, and the University of Delaware are among the largest 501c3 nonprofits in the state.
Interested in finding which organizations in Delaware are 501c3s? Use our nonprofit lookup tool to search nonprofit organizations and see if the charity you are looking for has 501(c)(3) status.
501(c)(3) organizations are nonprofit corporations that meet specific IRS criteria. Donations to a 501(c)(3) are usually tax-exempt. Use our 501(c)(3) lookup table to find out whether or not an organization has 501(c)(3) status.
501(c)(3) Lookup for Delaware
Delaware Nonprofits
Many of Delaware’s nonprofit organizations focus on religion, education, and healthcare. Here are three examples of highly acclaimed nonprofits in the state that address these topics.
Jewish Federation of Delaware
Established in Wilmington, Del., the Jewish Federation of Delaware works to combat antisemitism and offers aid to those who need assistance in the state and across the country. It raises funds and support for projects intended to benefit the Jewish community or the lives of those in less fortunate circumstances like the homeless or victims of domestic abuse. By offering support and working to make the country a better place, this nonprofit aims to strengthen relations between the Jewish and non-Jewish communities as well as encourage cooperation between people of different creeds and beliefs.
Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation
Healthcare in the United States is quite expensive when compared to other countries, which leads some people who need extensive care to neglect their needs in order to save money. Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation exists to help those who can’t afford the live-in care of a hospice get the intense and regimented care they need. Patients who need hospice care typically suffer from intense pain and chronic symptoms so ensuring they have access to 24/7 care can greatly increase their quality of life. The Compassionate Care Hospice Foundation raises money to cover the cost of a stay for those who can’t afford it, making a difficult situation just a little bit easier.
Simply Equal Education
Seeking to empower children without access to schools, Simply Equal Education’s goal is to create a world in which all children receive an education regardless of their location or status. Currently supplying aid to villages in Equatorial Guinea, this nonprofit raises money to supply remote villages with educators and educational resources like textbooks, writing utensils, and other school supplies. It also offers several programs like a pen pal system between schools in Equatorial Guinea and Delaware and book-sharing schemes where schools in both locations read the same stories and have international discussions about them — all while supplying books for the villages to keep. This nonprofit plans to expand its aid beyond Equatorial Guinea in the future to serve children in other countries as well.