Louisiana is home to more than 23,000 nonprofit organizations with the most common types focusing on educational or religious missions. Ochsner Medical Center, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, and Tulane University are among the state’s largest 501c3 nonprofits.
Interested in finding which organizations in Louisiana are 501c3s? Use our nonprofit lookup tool to search nonprofit organizations and see if the charity you are looking for has 501c3 status.
501c3 organizations are nonprofit corporations that meet specific IRS criteria. Donations to a 501c3 are usually tax-exempt. Use our 501c3 lookup table to find out whether or not an organization has 501c3 status.
501(c)(3) Lookup for Louisiana
Louisiana Nonprofits
In Louisiana, you’ll find nonprofits focused on cultural and historical preservation, disaster relief, and clothing the homeless. Here are three esteemed nonprofits that serve Louisiana in these areas.
Southern Heritage Air Foundation
This nonprofit keeps the history of World War II aviation alive by preserving historic aircraft and giving veterans a place to tell their stories as well as ride in aircraft like those they may have flown themselves. Southern Heritage Air Foundation also operates its own museum that houses, displays, and maintains World War II aircraft as well as other objects from local veterans and historic sites around Louisiana. By keeping these aircraft functional, Southern Heritage Air Foundation enables the public to see, enjoy, and learn about this period in history.
Cajun Navy Relief
Founded on the South Louisiana cultural tradition of “neighbors helping neighbors,” Cajun Navy Relief provides disaster relief to areas in and around New Orleans. It provides search and rescue services, immediate response to hurricanes and other natural disasters, and assistance with debris clearing on roadways and within towns. Cajun Navy Relief’s network of volunteers is ready and willing to provide whatever aid they can in the wake of a disaster.
Sock’n It!
This nonprofit provides the homeless population in Louisiana with new socks and flip-flops. Socks are the most requested, but least donated item in homeless shelters — and they tend to wear out faster than other articles of clothing. Because walking is often the only means of transportation for the homeless, their socks can wear out quickly and leave their feet unprotected. Sock’n It! not only donates insulated socks to homeless shelters across the state, but also provides bulk sock donations as disaster relief in the wake of natural disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes.