Ohio has more than 74,000 nonprofit organizations, and the most common types are religious and educational. Cleveland Clinic, Battelle Memorial Institute, and CareSource are among the state’s largest 501c3 nonprofits.
Interested in finding which organizations in Ohio are 501c3s? Use our nonprofit lookup tool to search nonprofit organizations and see if the charity you are looking for has 501c3 status.
501c3 organizations are nonprofit corporations that meet specific IRS criteria. Donations to a 501c3 are usually tax-exempt. Use our 501c3 lookup table to find out whether or not an organization has 501c3 status.
501(c)(3) Lookup for Ohio
Ohio Nonprofits
Many nonprofits operating within Ohio address issues like poverty, children’s education, and animal welfare. Highlighted below are three well-respected nonprofits from the state that focus on one of these topics.
Hannah’s Treasure Chest
This nonprofit tackles poverty in southwestern Ohio by assisting children and families facing financial struggles. It provides clothing, hygiene products, toys, diapers, and books for kids at no cost to ensure they have what they need while taking some financial strain off their families. Rather than making random donations, Hannah’s Treasure Chest and its partners first determine the specific needs of each family. They then assemble a care package at the nonprofit’s warehouse to make sure each family gets exactly what they require to keep going.
Crayons to Classrooms
Students must have the right tools to succeed in the classroom, but many schools can’t afford to provide everything they need. Crayons to Classrooms provides school supplies — from pencils and textbooks to art supplies and computers — to teachers at little or no cost. This nonprofit also offers programs that give students in need other items, such as coats and clothing, to ensure they can thrive outside of school as well.
The Sanctuary for Senior Dogs
Statistically, younger animals spend less time in shelters and rescue centers than older ones because people adopt them more quickly. While senior animals can offer the same love and attention, they often get overlooked. The Sanctuary for Senior Dogs provides specialized care to older canines, giving them the love, attention, full bellies, and medicine they need. This nonprofit collects neglected senior dogs and cares for them until they find a “forever” home to take them in. It also offers a “Forever Foster” program in which the organization cares for dogs unable to be adopted through community sponsorships.