More than 38,000 nonprofit organizations operate within Wisconsin, and the most common types are religious and educational entities. Aurora Health Care Group Return, Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital, and the Medical College of Wisconsin are among the state’s largest 501c3 nonprofits.
Interested in finding which organizations in Wisconsin are 501c3s? Use our nonprofit lookup tool to search nonprofit organizations and see if the charity you are looking for has 501c3 status.
501c3 organizations are nonprofit corporations that meet specific IRS criteria. Donations to a 501c3 are usually tax-exempt. Use our 501c3 lookup table to find out whether or not an organization has 501c3 status.
501(c)(3) Lookup for Wisconsin
Wisconsin Nonprofits
Many Wisconsin nonprofits focus on issues like support for veterans, mental health, education, and adult literacy. Here are three notable nonprofits addressing these issues within the state.
Starfish Foundation
Originally named the Starfish Center, the Starfish Foundation raises money to support veterans’ emotional healing. Because many veterans return home from war and military service with unresolved trauma and conditions of which they may not be fully aware, this nonprofit’s programs help them find the right treatments or professionals for them to speak with. It also offers scholarship opportunities to assist with the cost of veterans’ treatment and participation in the foundation’s Healing Warrior Hearts retreats, which provide a supportive group atmosphere in which they can relax and heal.
Innovative Schools Network
Learning is a lifelong process that doesn’t end with graduation. This nonprofit seeks to create a wide network of teachers and schools willing to continue learning so they can provide the best education possible for their students. It works to establish high-quality, research-based, innovative schools — institutions that don’t simply adhere to tried-and-true curricula, but implement new facets of education based on current studies. Its ultimate goal is to equip students with the most modern learning techniques and information in order to send them into the world as prepared as possible to succeed.
Literacy Green Bay
Almost every form of work requires the ability to read and write, yet poverty can create obstacles to mastering these essential skills. This nonprofit helps adults and families in Green Bay and the surrounding area improve their literacy skills to ensure they don’t miss out on employment opportunities. It offers multiple class options to assist anyone — regardless of age or socioeconomic status — with their reading and writing skills. It also helps people with math and computer literacy skills to further enrich their lives and help open the door to more job opportunities.